How to get a job you’ll love

I’ve just had the pleasure of reviewing an advance copy of the book “How To Get a Job You’ll Love”  by John Lees and suggest that you buy it when it is published in a few days time.

My review is as follows:

Here’s a novelty – a book about career planning that has something new to say.

John Lees begins by tackling the agonising debate that one has with oneself over the dissatisfaction with the current job.Then chapter by chapter he walks you through not just “The dream job!” but the practicalities of how much one must earn, what skills and personality one brings to the table for a potential employer.
The primary value in this book is that it’s not a comfortable “get rich quick book”. The exercises and thought processes that John takes you through are superbly designed to make you think through your options and your marketability to an employer clearly and truthfully.
The chapter (11) on creative job search strategies is particularly useful as it debunks many of the job hunting myths that persist. Other chapters deal with CV creation, using social media to find a job, attending interviews and even changing career.
As a coach and mentor that integrates senior executives into a new job I will be recommending this book as a “Must buy and read”
£14.99  Mc Graw Hill   ISBN: 978-007712993

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