3 Million Unemployed

This morning a number of people have contacted me over the headline that the Chamber of Commerce has predicted a rise in unemployment in the UK to three million whilst at the same time blaming the UK and US Governments as well as the banks for the situation.

It seems that people are now beginning to become angry at what is happening.

People are failing to understand how the UK Government is reducing benefits, cutting grants to students, unable to force banks to maintain loans whilst continuing to pay bankers their bonuses.

The tone of the telephone calls seems to be:

a) That as people feel they are having to pay (physically and through redundancy) for an unjust system of rewards to those that caused the current situation the more likely we are to have social unrest.

b) That people’s demands for protectionist policies such as reducing immigration will begin to increase in volume.

c) That if the tax cuts that are promised don’t satisfy the public expectation then there will be even more anger.

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