“Oh No… It’s Performance Review Time!”

I’ve been reminded by a sales team that I work with that their annual performance review time is fast approaching. I’ve been asked to give my top three tips for conducting a good Performance review for their management briefing.

The emphasis in appraisal is Praise
There was a time when the team hated the event. The emphasis always seemed to be focussed on the negative aspects of performance. Negative statements have far greater impact on an individual than a hundred good things that may be said.

I know that it’s important that a correct picture of performance is recorded. But the emphasis, as Dawn French mentioned in the video Arts film on the performance Review, should be on PRAISE

The first tip I’ve often given to those conducting the PR is to ask the team member to “Self-appraise”. Asking “How would you assess your performance?” often allows the resulting self criticism to be toned down and saves negative comments being made that cause offence and upset.

Tip two
Prepare. This is the most important meeting of the year with the team member (for the person being appraised). It’s their chance to talk about their career, aspirations and development. As such it’s polite, efficient and good management to prepare and treat the meeting seriously.

Top three
Listen…And listen to what’s not said and allow time for explanation. Some people are shy and need coaxing to speak. Don’t hurry a PR it’s a chance to learn how the employee feels

Finally, what happens after the meeting…”The notes get filed”.
But isn’t there follow-up?
Remember, more CVs (Resumes) get updated after a poor PR than at any other time!

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