The Evil Twin

I was at a meeting today at the IOD (Institute of Directors) and the discussion included a reference to the “Evil Twin Syndrome” which is the fact that one sees the best in a person at the interview. As my old boss used to say “They will always be at their smartest at the interview”

During the probationary period they will be perfect. Work hard and even do overtime. Then the day after a satisfactory probationary period there arrives “The Evil Twin”. The individual who is argumentative, difficult to manage and screams “unfair” at every opportunity.

However, having identified that most managers have suffered from the syndrome it’s also  true to say that at some time in one’s career one has probably also been “the evil twin” and caused some manager to go prematurely grey!

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Which is more important experience or qualification?

A number of friends are having a debate over the different emphasis that employers should place on qualifications and experience when looking for top talent employees.

Some place greater emphasis on a paper qualification such as an MBA and Degree and suggest that they prove capability and a level of knowledge to do a job. This group acknowledges the importance of experience but would automatically disqualify a job applicant without a qualification.

Those that support experience suggest that paper qualifications, whilst necessary, don’t demonstrate essential entrepreneurial skills such as imagination and drive. These can only be demonstrated by “past success in previous positions” and “related experience”. In addition, they point out, a twenty-year old degree is of little value in the current workplace!

The questions I have are these:

  • When would it be appropriate or sensible to hire a person without a qualification?
  • At what point do qualifications become less relevant than experience?
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Maria’s new assistant arrives

John previously worked in Maria’s HR Department in her previous company.
John is a qualified member of the CIPD as well as having a degree from Reading University.
He is currently half way through a MBA course.
John is single having just split from his girlfriend, plays golf, swims and likes collecting foreign banknotes.

The existing team thinks he’s very nice but are concerned as to how Maria and the new hire will act together.
Christine is particularly concerned as to her own position within the Department as she’s concluded that Maria doesn’t like her.

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